
Josefina Anjou


foto’s Linnéa Gerrits

Josefina Anjou is a Stockholm-born, Amsterdam-based artist who graduated in 2019 from the Gerrit Rietveldt Academy, Amsterdam.
Her work can be described as fantastical and mystical, yet derives from a somewhat solid and real place. She is based in painting but more often than not she uses 3dimensional shapes to extend an image. Every work is a co-creation where the artist is one in a series of actors to manifest the work into physical being. The intention with the work she makes is to remind the viewer that they are looking at something through something else. As a child she looked a lot in physics and natural science books for their unintended beautiful images. Our conception of the most basic building block in Newtonian physics, the atom, is characterized by an artistic visualization. In her opinion it is more romantic than it is threatening. She enjoys referring to fantasy and other science-fictional image banks, because of their one foot in the experienced world and the other loose in the air. The abstraction in her painting emerges as a result of nurturing, and channeling her intuition. That is spiritual.

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