
Claire van Lubeek

foto’s Rob Groot Zevert

Claire van Lubeek

Adopting visual strategies informed by horror, gore and camp aesthetics, van Lubeek fabricates micro-cosmos mirroring and unveiling the constructiveness of the reality we inhabit, while exposing the fact that the world as we know it has also been fabricated. It is the product of ideologies based on the glorification of mythical norms and its counterpoints: the exclusion and exploitation of the “monstrous” other. The choice of the 3D model apparatus and the crafty look of van Lubeek’s works challenge the traditional demarcation between western Fine Arts and the long-undervalued “minor” art forms, which range from applied arts to crafts and decoration: realms of women and non-western cultures, the true repressed of modernity.

Activiteiten van Claire van Lubeek binnen Omstand